Medical Calculators
Weight Calculation with Upper Arm Circumference
Upper Arm Circumference
Your Weight is

The results of these calculations are for informational purposes only and cannot be the basis of your medical decision-making. Consult your doctor to determine the medical implications of any calculations performed.
1. Cattermole GN, Graham CA, Rainer TH. Mid-arm circumference can be used to estimate weight of adult and adolescent patients. Emerg Med J. 2017; 34(4):231-6.
2. Inayah A. Uji kesahihan formula estimasi berat badan berdasarkan lingkar lengan atas dengan berat badan aktual pada pasien rawat inap dewasa = Validity test of body weight estimation formula based on upper arm circumference against actual body weight in adult inpatients [Internet]. Universitas Indonesia Library. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia; 2022 [cited 2023 Oct 24]. Available from: